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Quick start

If you want to quickly experience features that require Univer backend services to support, you can use the one-click deployment tools we have prepared.

Deploy to docker compose with one click

Environmental requirements

  1. Operating System: Linux, Mac, Windows (WSL)
  2. CPU: at least 1 core
  3. Memory: at least 2G, if you want to experience the import and export of big files, it is recommended to more than 4G
  4. disk: at least 10G space left
  5. Docker version is 23 or above, if you have installed a lower version of Docker, please upgrade first; if not installed, the tool will install the official version of Docker for you
  6. have access to the public internet

Operating instructions

Execute the following command to automatically download, install, and run the latest version of Univer backend service in the working directory:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

After successful execution, the Univer backend service has been successfully installed and started. The Univer backend service will be installed in the directory named univer-server under the current working directory.

Next, you can start the frontend demo we have prepared to explore the features supported by the Univer backend service.

Execute cd univer-server && bash start-demo-ui to start the front-end demo.

After successful launch, you can open the link http://localhost:3010 to experience. When opening this link, a new blank workbook will be create automatically and redirect to it. If you want to experience the collaborative editing feature, you can open this workbook in another browser or just open it in the private window.

If you need to experience integration with your own system for user authentication and permission management, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a file named .env.custom under the directory univer-server, and input the following configures:
  1. execute bash restart to restart the Univer backend service
  2. execute bash start-demo-usip to start the USIP demo service Then, you can open http://localhost:8080 to experience.

In addition, you can control the stop/start/restart of the Univer backend service through the under the directory univer-server

  • stop: cd univer-server && bash stop
  • start: cd univer-server && bash start
  • restart: cd univer-server && bash restart
  • uninstall cd univer-server && bash uninstall, NOTICE, the uninstall command will delete all data(such as units and pictures) created during the experience, please operate with caution.

Upgrade to the latest version:

Go to the parent directory of univer-server, then execute bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" again to upgrade to the latest version. Your previous configuration and data will be preserved.

Deploy to k8s with one click

Environmental requirements

Univer uses helm to deploy on K8s, so you need to install helm first. Please refer to the Official Installation Guide for installation.

Helm needs to access your K8s cluster. You need to make sure that you already have a K8s cluster, and then use one of the following methods to ensure helm can access it:

  • Make sure the kubeconfig file for the K8s cluster is configured in ~/.kube/config
  • Configure the environment variable KUBECONFIG with the value of your kubeconfig file path
  • Use parameter --kubeconfig in the helm command, such as: helm install --kubeconfig your-kubeconfig-file-path

Operating instructions

Now you can execute the following commands to install the Univer backend service to your K8s:

helm install -n univer --create-namespace \ --set global.istioNamespace="univer" \ univer-stack oci:// kubectl rollout restart -n univer deployment/collaboration-server kubectl rollout restart -n univer deployment/universer

After installation, open to start your experience.

You can use the following command to uninstall:

helm uninstall univer-stack -n univer

and upgrade to the latest version:

helm upgrade --install univer-stack \ oci:// \ -n univer


The free version has some limitations, such as the limit on the number of people who can collaborate on editing units at the same time and the limit on the size of imported files. If you want to experience it without restrictions, please refer to the License.


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