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GuidesUniver SheetsFeaturesCoreRow & Column

Row & Column

Facade API

To get full defination of facade api, please refer to FacadeAPI


Insert row after given position

insertRowAfter(afterPosition): Inserts a row after the specified row position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This inserts a row after the first row position sheet.insertRowAfter(0);

Insert row before given position

insertRowBefore(beforePosition): Inserts a row before the specified row position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This inserts a row before the first row position sheet.insertRowBefore(0);

Insert multiple rows at specified location

insertRows(rowIndex, numRows): Inserts one or more consecutive blank rows in a sheet starting at the specified location.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Shifts all rows down by three sheet.insertRows(0, 3);

Insert multiple rows after given position

insertRowsAfter(afterPosition, howMany): Inserts a specified number of rows after the given row position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This inserts five rows after the first row sheet.insertRowsAfter(0, 5);

Insert multiple rows before given position

insertRowsBefore(beforePosition, howMany): Inserts a specified number of rows before the given row position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This inserts five rows before the first row sheet.insertRowsBefore(0, 5);

Delete row at given position

deleteRow(rowPosition): Deletes the row at the specified row position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Rows start at "0" - this deletes the first row sheet.deleteRow(0);

Delete multiple rows starting at given position

deleteRows(rowPosition, howMany): Deletes a specified number of rows starting at the given row position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Rows start at "0" - this deletes the first two rows sheet.deleteRows(0, 2);

Move rows to new position

moveRows(rowSpec, destinationIndex): Moves the rows selected by the given range to the position indicated by the destinationIndex. The rowSpec itself does not have to exactly represent an entire row or group of rows to move—it selects all rows that the range spans.

// The code below moves rows 1-2 to destination index 5 // This results in those rows becoming rows 3-4 const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Selects row 1 and row 2 to be moved const rowSpec = sheet.getRange('1:2'); sheet.moveRows(rowSpec, 5);

Hide rows in given range

hideRow(row): Hides the rows in the specified range.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This hides the first row const range = sheet.getRange('1:1'); sheet.hideRow(range);

Hide multiple consecutive rows

hideRows(rowIndex, numRows): Hides one or more consecutive rows starting at the given index. Use 0-index for this method.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Hides the first three rows sheet.hideRows(0, 3);

Unhide row in given range

unhideRow(row): Unhides the row in the specified range.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This unhides the first row if it was previously hidden const range = sheet.getRange('1:1'); sheet.unhideRow(range);

Unhide multiple consecutive rows

showRows(rowIndex, numRows): Unhides one or more consecutive rows starting at the given index. Use 0-index for this method.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Unhides the first three rows sheet.showRows(0, 3);

Set row height

setRowHeight(rowPosition, height): Sets the row height of the given row in pixels. By default, rows grow to fit cell contents. If you want to force rows to a specified height, use setRowHeightsForced(startRow, numRows, height).

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Sets the first row to a height of 200 pixels sheet.setRowHeight(0, 200);

Set height for multiple rows

setRowHeights(startRow, numRows, height): Sets the height of the given rows in pixels. By default, rows grow to fit cell contents. If you want to force rows to a specified height, use setRowHeightsForced(startRow, numRows, height).

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Sets the first three rows to a height of 200 pixels sheet.setRowHeights(0, 3, 200);

Force set height for multiple rows

setRowHeightsForced(startRow, numRows, height): Sets the height of the given rows in pixels. By default, rows grow to fit cell contents. When you use setRowHeightsForced, rows are forced to the specified height even if the cell contents are taller than the row height.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Sets the first three rows to a height of 5 pixels sheet.setRowHeightsForced(0, 3, 5);

Auto resize rows

autoResizeRows(startRow, numRows): Automatically resizes the height of the given rows to fit their text content.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Set the first 3 rows to a height that fits their text. sheet.autoResizeRows(0, 3);

Set row custom properties

setRowCustom(custom): Set custom properties for given rows, store an object custom on the row, in which you can put any data that conforms to the JSON format, for custom storage of some additional information. Updating custom data will overwrite the original custom data. If you need to keep the original custom data when updating data, please get the custom data in advance and merge it into new data before updating.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Set custom properties for the first and third rows sheet.setRowCustom({ 0: { color: 'red' }, 2: { size: 16 }, });


Insert column after given position

insertColumnAfter(afterPosition): Inserts a column after the given column position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This inserts a column after the first column position sheet.insertColumnAfter(0);

Insert column before given position

insertColumnBefore(beforePosition): Inserts a column before the given column position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This inserts a column in the first column position sheet.insertColumnBefore(0);

Insert multiple columns at specified location

insertColumns(columnIndex, numColumns): Inserts one or more consecutive blank columns in a sheet starting at the specified location.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Shifts all columns by three sheet.insertColumns(0, 3);

Insert multiple columns after given position

insertColumnsAfter(afterPosition, howMany): Inserts a given number of columns after the given column position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Inserts two columns after the first column sheet.insertColumnsAfter(0, 2);

Insert multiple columns before given position

insertColumnsBefore(beforePosition, howMany): Inserts a number of columns before the given column position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This inserts five columns before the first column sheet.insertColumnsBefore(0, 5);

Delete column at given position

deleteColumn(columnPosition): Deletes the column at the given column position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Columns start at "0" - this deletes the first column sheet.deleteColumn(0);

Delete multiple columns starting at given position

deleteColumns(columnPosition, howMany): Deletes a number of columns starting at the given column position.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Columns start at "0" - this deletes the first two columns sheet.deleteColumns(0, 2);

Move columns to new position

moveColumns(columnSpec, destinationIndex): Moves the columns selected by the given range to the position indicated by the destinationIndex. The columnSpec itself does not have to exactly represent an entire column or group of columns to move—it selects all columns that the range spans.

// The code below moves rows A-B to destination index 5. // This results in those columns becoming columns C-D. const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Selects column A and column B to be moved. const columnSpec = sheet.getRange('A:B'); sheet.moveColumns(columnSpec, 5);

Hide columns in given range

hideColumn(column): Hides the column or columns in the given range.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This hides the first column const range = sheet.getRange('A:A'); sheet.hideColumn(range);

Hide multiple consecutive columns

hideColumns(columnIndex, numColumns): Hides one or more consecutive columns starting at the given index. Use 0-index for this method.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Hides the first three columns sheet.hideColumns(0, 3);

Unhide column in given range

unhideColumn(column): Unhides the column in the given range.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // This unhides the first column if it was previously hidden const range = sheet.getRange('A:A'); sheet.unhideColumn(range);

Unhide multiple consecutive columns

showColumns(columnIndex, numColumns): Unhides one or more consecutive columns starting at the given index. Use 0-index for this method.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Unhides the first three columns sheet.showColumns(0, 3);

Set column width

setColumnWidth(columnPosition, width): Sets the width of the given column in pixels.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Sets the first column to a width of 200 pixels sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 200);

Set width for multiple columns

setColumnWidths(startColumn, numColumns, width): Sets the width of the given columns in pixels.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Sets the first three columns to a width of 200 pixels sheet.setColumnWidths(0, 3, 200);

Auto resize columns

autoResizeColumns(startColumn, numColumns): Sets the width of the given columns to automatically fit their text content.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Set the A:C columns to a width that fits their text. sheet.autoResizeColumns(0, 3);

Set column custom properties

setColumnCustom(custom): Set custom properties for given columns, store an object custom on the column, in which you can put any data that conforms to the JSON format, for custom storage of some additional information. Updating custom data will overwrite the original custom data. If you need to keep the original custom data when updating data, please get the custom data in advance and merge it into new data before updating.

const sheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); // Set custom properties for the first and third columns sheet.setColumnCustom({ 0: { color: 'red' }, 2: { size: 16 }, });

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