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Production deployment

Introduction to Deployment Architecture and Services

Introduction to Deployment Architecture and Services

Service Introduction:

  • collaboration-server: Collaborative editing engine in the backend, implementing the same OT algorithm as the frontend in the backend
  • universer: handles various operation requests for units, maintains units data, and handles broadcast of collaborative messages
  • exchange worker: responsible for executing the import and export calculation tasks of units. It is a computationally intensive service and also has a large memory requirement

Please note that collaboration-server is a stateful service, and editing requests for the same unit are processed in the same collaboration-server instance, which greatly reduces the possibility of loading data during processing and increases overall performance. Therefore, when universer calls collaboration server for application editing processing, we add a layer of consistent hash routing.

Component introduction:

  • RDS: Relational database, used to store unit metadata, permission configuration, etc
  • Object Storage: Object storage is used to store the content data of units, including images, data blocks, etc
  • Redis: caching online collaborators of units, limit user access rate
  • Rabbitmq: message queue, used for exchanging collaborative messages that need to be broadcast between universer services
  • Temporal: an open-source process execution engine that Univer uses to manage the asynchronous process of import and export tasks

Preparation before deployment

After understanding the basic architecture of Univer backend services, you should also carefully evaluate the following issues before production deployment:

how to deploy

Univer currently provides two deployment methods:

  • Deploy using Docker compose

Please note: Docker compose can only be deployed on a single machine, so it can only be scaled vertically. If you are not running K8s and the scale is not very large, you can choose it.

  • deployment using k8s compatible with standards

If you are running a K8s cluster and which is compatible with the k8s standard, it’s the best choice. Univer supports horizontal scaling, and deploying with K8s can achieve the best scalability.

Determine if you have a need for user authentication and permission management

This is not enabled by default. You need to decide whether to enable it according to your needs. For more details, please refer [Integrate with your system via USIP(/guides/sheets/pro-features/server/integrate-usip)

Capacity assessment

You need to carefully evaluate your capacity requirements. If the demand is large, the Docker Compose deployment method may not be suitable. Special note:

  • Import&export service is computationally intensive. When processing import and export tasks, it may occupy a large amount of CPU and memory in a short period of time, especially when importing large documents. You need to evaluate the possible requirements for import and export and allocate appropriate CPU and memory for them
  • collaboration-server is a stateful node service, and it will occupy more memory when editing more units at the same time. You need to carefully evaluate the number of instances required and the memory configuration of each instance

component selection

As shown in the above system deployment architecture, the components that Univer will use include: MQ, Redis, RDS, Object Storage, and the installation package of Univer will include commonly used open source versions of the corresponding components.

Of course, Univer supports you to switch to your own maintained components, and we strongly recommend that you do so, which can help improve:

  • system maintenance
  • Ensure the security of data storage
  • Ensure the stability of system Especially for the storage components RDS and Object storage, if you use the built-in version, it is very likely to cause permanent data loss in the case of machine storage destruction. This is a relatively large risk. If you do not have your own storage infrastructure, it is recommended to choose services provided by Public Cloud vendors. If you can only use the built-in storage components of Univer, you must backup your data regularly, and it is recommended to backup every day.

If you choose to use your own maintained components, you need to ensure full compatibility with Univer’s requirements for these components. The requirements for each component are as follows:


Full compatibility with AMQP/AMQPS is required. Currently, it is recommended to use Rabbit MQ. The Univer installation package uses Rabbit MQ’s official mirroring rabbitmq: 3-management.


It needs to be compatible with all Redis commands. The Univer installation package uses the standard version of Redis official mirroring bitnami/redis: 7.0.15 -debian-11-r3. Currently, the Redis commands used by Univer include: GET, MGET, SET, SETNX, DEL, EXISTS, EXPIRE, HSET, HGET, HDEL, HGETALL, HLEN, SCAN, Pipeline, EVAL, EVALSHA. You need to ensure that your Redis components are compatible. Of course, under the premise of compatibility, you can also use a distributed version of Redis.


Currently, we have adapted PostgreSQL 16.1, MySQL 8.0, GaussDB, and DamengDB. You can choose these or compatible databases. The Univer installation package uses the official PostgreSQL mirroring postgres: 16.1. However, please note that Univer currently does not support distributed databases. If your distributed database is not fully compatible with access like a standalone database, you cannot use it. For example, databases that require sharding with table fields are not currently supported. In addition, if you are using a fully compatible distributed database like TiDB, you should also be cautious because the IDs generated by Univer’s current ID generator are increasing in trend, which will cause its requests to be processed on the same node and have poor performance.

Object Storage

API compatibility with AWS S3 is required. The Univer installation package uses Minio’s official mirroring bitnami/minio: 2024.8.3 -debian-12-r1.

observability component

When operating and maintaining the backend services of Univer in the future, do you want to use the observability components integrated with Univer or connect to your own observability system? Univer currently provides Prometheus metrics, grafana dashboards, and service logs. For more details, please read the [SRE Manual(/guides/sheets/pro-features/server/sre-manual). If you don’t have your own observability system, it is recommended to enable the built-in observability components of Univer.

Deployment configuration

How to modify the deployment configuration?

Deploy using docker compose

The default deployment configuration of Univer is in the .env file under the installation directory. If you need to modify the installation configuration, do not directly modify this .env file. Instead, create a custom configuration file named .env.custom under the directory where the .env file is located. If you configure the value of a configuration item in the .env.custom file, the Univer installation script will replace the default value in the .env file with the value you configured.

Deploy using K8s

The default deployment configuration of Univer is in the values.yaml file of helm chart, click here to view. If you want to modify the configuration, you don’t need to modify the files in the charts. Just create a new values.yaml file and write the configuration items you want to modify into it. Specify your values.yaml file during helm installation, helm will replace the default configuration items with the configuration items you set. Of course, the configuration items you haven’t set will use the default values. The specific helm command is explained in the final deployment step.

Configuration details

Enable identity authentication and permission management

The meaning of the configuration item has been described in [Integrate with your system via USIP(/guides/sheets/pro-features/server/integrate-usip), If you need to enable it, you can configure it as follows:

Write to the .env.custom

# usip about USIP_ENABLED=true # Set true to enable USIP USIP_URI_CREDENTIAL=https://your-domain/usip/credential USIP_URI_USERINFO=https://your-domain/usip/userinfo USIP_URI_ROLE=https://your-domain/usip/role USIP_URI_COLLABORATORS=https://your-domain/usip/collaborators # auth about AUTH_PERMISSION_ENABLE_OBJ_INHERIT=false AUTH_PERMISSION_CUSTOMER_STRATEGIES=

Enable Univer event publishing

The meaning of the configuration item has been described in [Integrate with your system via Univer event publishing(/guides/sheets/pro-features/server/event-sync),If you need to enable it, you can configure it as follows:

Write to the .env.custom

EVENT_SYNC=true # Set true to enable

Use self-maintained components


Please note that the components used by Univer, Temporal, do not support gaussdb and damengDB. If you choose them, Univer will install a dedicated postgresql for Temporal. The data stored in Temporal’s DB is the process state of import and export tasks, which will not involve any data in your document. Even if it is lost, it will only cause the failure of the import and export tasks that you have not yet completed, and there will be no other impact.

Use RDS compatible with postgresql

Write to the .env.custom

# RDS config DISABLE_UNIVER_RDS=true # When using your own RDS, prevent Univer deploying the default postgresql DATABASE_DRIVER=postgresql # Set to postgresql to use a postgresql-compatible database DATABASE_HOST=your-database-host DATABASE_PORT=your-database-port DATABASE_DBNAME=univer # database initialization scripts use this name by default, if you have changed, please update here to keep it consistent DATABASE_USERNAME=user-name # You should grant select, insert, update, delete permissions to this user DATABASE_PASSWORD=password
Use RDS compatible with MySQL

add to the .env.custom

# RDS config DISABLE_UNIVER_RDS=true # When using your own RDS, prevent Univer deploying the default postgresql DATABASE_DRIVER=mysql # Set to mysql to use a mysql-compatible database DATABASE_HOST=your-database-host DATABASE_PORT=your-database-port DATABASE_DBNAME=univer # database initialization scripts use this name by default, if you have changed, please update here to keep it consistent DATABASE_USERNAME=user-name # You should grant select, insert, update, delete permissions to this user DATABASE_PASSWORD=password
use gaussdb

add to the .env.custom

# RDS config DISABLE_UNIVER_RDS=true # When using your own RDS, prevent Univer deploying the default postgresql DATABASE_DRIVER=gaussdb # set to gaussdb when use gaussdb DATABASE_HOST=your-database-host DATABASE_PORT=your-database-port DATABASE_DBNAME=univer # database initialization scripts use this name by default, if you have changed, please update here to keep it consistent DATABASE_USERNAME=user-name # You should grant select, insert, update, delete permissions to this user DATABASE_PASSWORD=password
use damengDB

add to the .env.custom

# RDS config DISABLE_UNIVER_RDS=true # When using your own RDS, prevent Univer deploying the default postgresql DATABASE_DRIVER=dameng # set to dameng when use damengDB DATABASE_HOST=your-database-host DATABASE_PORT=your-database-port DATABASE_DBNAME=univer # database initialization scripts use this name by default, if you have changed, please update here to keep it consistent DATABASE_USERNAME=user-name # You should grant select, insert, update, delete permissions to this user DATABASE_PASSWORD=password

add to the .env.custom

# redis config DISABLE_UNIVER_REDIS=true # When using your own redis, prevent Univer deploying the default redis # if you use redis cluster, use comma ',' to separate multiple addresses # for example: REDIS_ADDR=,, REDIS_ADDR=host:port[,host:port] REDIS_USERNAME=user-name REDIS_PASSWORD=password REDIS_DB=0

add to the .env.custom

DISABLE_UNIVER_MQ=true # When using your own MQ, prevent Univer deploying the default MQ RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_ENABLED=true # must be true RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_USERNAME=user-name # need grant Declear Exchange、Produce、Consume to the user RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_PASSWORD=password # password # use comma to separate multiple addresses # for example: RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_ADDR=,, # Each addr must be able to Consume and Produce. Univer will poll these host when connecting, until the connection is successful RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_ADDR=host:port[,host:port] # RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_VHOST is the vhost of the rabbitmq cluster. If you don't set it, the default value is / # for example: RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_VHOST=univer RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_VHOST=/ RABBITMQ_CLUSTER_SCHEMA=amqp
Object Storage

add to the .env.custom

DISABLE_UNIVER_S3=true # When using your own Object Storage, prevent Univer deploying the default Minio # s3 config S3_USER=user S3_PASSWORD=password S3_REGION=your-inner-s3like-region # s3-region # S3_PATH_STYLE # if set true, build url with Path-Style # if set false, build url with Virtual-Host Style S3_PATH_STYLE=true|false # S3_ENDPOINT address private S3_ENDPOINT=inner-visit-host:port # S3_ENDPOINT_PUBLIC public address S3_ENDPOINT_PUBLIC=public-visit-host:port # S3_DEFAULT_BUCKET S3_DEFAULT_BUCKET=default-bucket-name

Enable Univer built-in observable components

add to the .env.custom

# observability config ENABLE_UNIVER_OBSERVABILITY=true # set true to enable GRAFANA_USERNAME=set-your-admin-user-name-here # initialise grafana admin user name GRAFANA_PASSWORD=set-your-admin-user-password-here # initialise grafana admin user password HOST_GRAFANA_PORT=13000 # grafana public port

add to the .env.custom

UNIVERSER_REPLICATION_CNT=2 # universer instances count COLLABORATION_SERVER_REPLICATION_CNT=2 # COLLABORATION_SERVER instances count COLLABORATION_SERVER_MEMORY_LIMIT=2048 # memory limit of each COLLABORATION_SERVER instances # Import and export configuration related to the capacity of exchange-worker. EXCHANGE_WORKER_REPLICATION_CNT=1 # working exchange worker count EXCHANGE_WORKER_MEMORY_LIMIT=4096 # MB, the memory limit of each exchange-worker. EXCHANGE_WORKER_IMPORT_CONCURRENT=1 # how many import tasks each worker can do at the same time. EXCHANGE_WORKER_EXPORT_CONCURRENT=1 # how many export tasks each worker can do at the same time.

Network configuration

If the default port exposed by Univer has been used by other services and needs to be modified, write it in the .env.custom file

# If there is a conflict with your network configuration, you can modify the network segment used by docker. Use CIDR notation DOCKER_NETWORK_SUBNET= # Univer API service exposed port, if it is the same as other server level port of your host machine, please change it to another port HOST_NGINX_PORT=the-univer-server-api-port-you-wantted # If you choose the built-in Minio as the object storage and there is a port conflict, please add this configuration item to modify it # Of course, if you are using your own maintained object storage, setting this configuration item will be meaningless HOST_MINIO_PORT=the-minio-port-you-wantted # If you choose the built-in observability components of Univer and there is a port conflict, please add this configuration item to modify it # Of course, if you are using your own maintained observability components, setting this configuration item will be meaningless HOST_GRAFANA_PORT=the-grafana-port-you-wantted

configuration to Allow cross-domain

add to the .env.custom

# allowed cross-origins config CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS=["domain1", "domain2", "and more"]

Special configurations deployed using K8s

Univer configures the deployment front-end demo service by default in the helm chart, and sets the ingress routing domain name of the http gateway service universer as the domain name of the demo. During production deployment, you need to disable the demo service and change the ingress routing of universer to your domain name. You need to add the following configuration in values.yaml:

collaboration-demo: enabled: false # set false to prevent deploy demo universer: ingress: enabled: true hosts: - host: "use-your-own-domain-here" # set your real domain here paths: - path: /universer-api/ pathType: Prefix

Configuration example

The following configuration example implemented:

  • Enable USIP integration, authenticate user identity, and enable permission management
  • Configure that only the document owner can copy content and print
  • Enable Univer event publishing
  • Use your own postgresql
  • Use your own Object Storage
  • Modify the port exposed by the Univer service
  • Set capacity configuration for universer and collaboration-server

.env.custom content

# 1. enable USIP integration # usip about USIP_ENABLED=true USIP_URI_CREDENTIAL= USIP_URI_USERINFO= USIP_URI_ROLE= USIP_URI_COLLABORATORS= # 2. only owner can copy content and print AUTH_PERMISSION_CUSTOMER_STRATEGIES=[ {"action": 3, "role": 2}, {"action": 6, "role": 2} ] # 3. enable univer event sync EVENT_SYNC=true # set true to enable # 4. use owner RDS # postgresql config DISABLE_UNIVER_RDS=true DATABASE_DRIVER=postgresql DATABASE_HOST=univer-postgresql DATABASE_PORT=5432 DATABASE_DBNAME=univer DATABASE_USERNAME=universer-biz DATABASE_PASSWORD=123456 # 5. use owner Object storage # s3 config DISABLE_UNIVER_S3=true S3_USER=universer-biz S3_PASSWORD=123456 S3_REGION=cn-sz S3_PATH_STYLE=true S3_ENDPOINT=univer-s3:9652 S3_DEFAULT_BUCKET=univer # 6. change univer service Port HOST_NGINX_PORT=8010 # 7. set the service scale UNIVERSER_REPLICATION_CNT=4 COLLABORATION_SERVER_REPLICATION_CNT=4 MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT=2048

Production deploy SOP

After determining the configurations you need, you can deploy the Univer backend services following these steps.

SOP of Deploy using docker

  1. Prepare your configuration file .env.custom, If you don’t have any configuration that needs to be modified, you can ignore this
  2. Prepare your license, including file license.txt and licenseKey.txt
  3. If you choose to use your own maintained RDS, please download the Database Initialization Script and complete the initialization of RDS, including universer and temporal. If you are using gaussdb or damengdb, there’s no need to initialize the temporal.
  4. Fetch Univer backend services
    • if your server machine have access to the public internet
      • Execute bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" [-- version] to download the version you specified. If you didn’t specify the version, the latest version will be downloaded by default.
    • if do not have
      • click here to download the All-in-one offline package
      • upload the All-in-one offline package to your server machine and decompress it
      • enter the decompressed package dir, execute bash to load the images to docker
  5. Copy your prepared .env.custom to the backend service folder and place it in the directory where .env file located
  6. Copy your license files license.txt and licenseKey.txt to the sub directory configs/
  7. Enter the root directory of the backend service and execute bash start to start the Univer services
  8. Now, you should test it, ensure it’s working correctly.

SOP of Deploy using K8s

Please note that when deploying using K8s: If you have custom configuration modifications, you need to implement version control of the custom configuration file values.yaml, because subsequent upgrade operations still require you to provide complete custom configurations. Univer recommends using version management tools such as git to manage it.

  1. Prepare your configuration file values.yaml. If you don’t need to modify anything, you can ignore this step
  2. Prepare your license, including license.txt and licenseKey.txt
  3. If you choose to use your own maintained RDS, go to download the Database Initialization Script and complete the initialization of RDS, including universer and temporal. If you are using gaussdb or dameng, you do not need to initialize temporal
  4. Execute the helm installation command
    • if your server machine have access to the public internet
      • Execute command to install

        helm install -n univer --create-namespace \ -f your-own-values.yaml-path \ --set global.istioNamespace="univer" \ --set-file universer.license.licenseV2=your-license.txt-path \ --set-file universer.license.licenseKeyV2=your-licenseKey.txt-path \ univer-stack \ oci:// \ --version target-version # After successful execution, execute the following two commands to restart the services and complete the sidecar injection kubectl rollout restart -n univer deployment/collaboration-server kubectl rollout restart -n univer deployment/universer
      • If you want to deploy the observability components configured by Univer, please execute the following command:

        helm upgrade --install -n univer-observability --create-namespace \ --set global.univerNamespace="univer" \ univer-observability \ oci://

        Parameter description:

        • —set global.univerNamespace=“univer”: Configure to observe the cluster "univer"
    • if do not have
      • click here to download the K8s All-in-one offline package

      • upload the K8s All-in-one offline package to your server machine and decompress it

      • enter the decompressed package dir, execute command to load image:

        export REGISTER=XXXX # Your private image register export NAMESPACE=XXX # The namespace where image save docker login $REGISTER bash --registry $REGISTER --namespace $NAMESPACE
      • after loading image success, you can get a values.yaml and values-observability.yaml in current dir and you can edit it to set yourself custom config

        • values.yaml: Univer service setting values file
        • values-observability.yaml: Univer observability component setting values file
      • then please execute the following command to install:

        helm install -n univer --create-namespace \ -f your-own-values.yaml-path \ --set global.istioNamespace="univer" \ --set-file universer.license.licenseV2=your-license.txt-path \ --set-file universer.license.licenseKeyV2=your-licenseKey.txt-path \ univer-stack \ univer-stack-xxxx.tgz # should change to the right chart name # After successful execution, execute the following two commands to restart the services and complete the kubectl rollout restart -n univer deployment/collaboration-server kubectl rollout restart -n univer deployment/universer
      • If you want to deploy the observability components configured by Univer, please execute the following command:

        helm upgrade --install -n univer-observability --create-namespace \ --set global.univerNamespace="univer" \ -f your-own-values-observability.yaml-path \ univer-observability \ univer-observability-xxxx.tgz

        Parameter description:

        • —set global.univerNamespace=“univer”: Configure to observe the cluster "univer"

Parameter description:

  • -n univer: specify the cluster namespace as univer, you can change it at will, but remember that subsequent upgrades require it
  • univer-stack: the name of helm release, you can change it at will, but remember that subsequent upgrades require it
  • —version target-version: Specify the version to be deployed, you need to modify it to the target version, you can also remove this item to automatically select the latest version
  • -f your-own-values.yaml-path: Specify the path of your custom configuration file values.yaml, you need to modify it correctly
  • —set-file universer.license.licenseV2=your-license.txt-path: specify the path of license.txt
  • —set-file universer.license.licenseKeyV2=your-licenseKey.txt-path: specify the path of licenseKey.txt
  1. Now, you should test it, ensure it’s working correctly.

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