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GuidesUniver SheetsFeaturesHyperlink


Facade APIHas Paid PlanUniver ServerUniver on Node.jsPreset
  1. The hyperlink feature allows jumping to worksheets and cells, supporting adding, updating, parsing, and removing links.
  2. Supports inserting hyperlinks within rich text.
  3. Hyperlinks support sub-sheets, ranges/cells, defined names, and standard links (http, mailto, etc.).

This feature includes the following plugin packages:

Presets Installation

import { createUniver, defaultTheme, LocaleType, merge } from '@univerjs/presets'; import { UniverSheetsCorePreset } from '@univerjs/presets/preset-sheets-core'; import UniverPresetSheetsCoreEnUS from '@univerjs/presets/preset-sheets-core/locales/en-US'; import { UniverSheetsHyperLinkPreset } from '@univerjs/presets/preset-sheets-hyper-link'; import UniverPresetSheetsHyperLinkEnUS from '@univerjs/presets/preset-sheets-hyper-link/locales/en-US'; import '@univerjs/presets/lib/styles/preset-sheets-core.css' import '@univerjs/presets/lib/styles/preset-sheets-hyper-link.css' const { univerAPI } = createUniver({ locale: LocaleType.EN_US, locales: { [LocaleType.EN_US]: merge( {}, UniverPresetSheetsCoreEnUS, UniverPresetSheetsHyperLinkEnUS ), }, theme: defaultTheme, presets: [ UniverSheetsCorePreset(), UniverSheetsHyperLinkPreset() ] });

Piecemeal Installation

npm install @univerjs/sheets-hyper-link @univerjs/sheets-hyper-link-ui
import { LocaleType, merge, Univer } from '@univerjs/core'; import { defaultTheme } from "@univerjs/design"; import { UniverSheetsHyperLinkPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-hyper-link'; import { UniverSheetsHyperLinkUIPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-hyper-link-ui'; import SheetsHyperLinkUIEnUS from '@univerjs/sheets-hyper-link-ui/locale/en-US'; import '@univerjs/sheets-hyper-link-ui/lib/index.css'; import '@univerjs/sheets-hyper-link/facade'; import '@univerjs/sheets-hyper-link-ui/facade'; const univer = new Univer({ theme: defaultTheme, locale: LocaleType.EN_US, locales: { [LocaleType.EN_US]: merge( SheetsHyperLinkUIEnUS ), }, }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsHyperLinkPlugin); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsHyperLinkUIPlugin);

Univer on Node.js Piecemeal Installation

npm install @univerjs/sheets-hyper-link
import { LocaleType, Univer } from '@univerjs/core'; import { defaultTheme } from "@univerjs/design"; import { UniverSheetsHyperLinkPlugin } from '@univerjs/sheets-hyper-link'; import '@univerjs/sheets-hyper-link/facade'; const univer = new Univer({ theme: defaultTheme, locale: LocaleType.EN_US, }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsHyperLinkPlugin);

Facade API

To get full defination of facade api, please refer to @univerjs/sheets-hyper-link/facade and @univerjs/sheets-hyper-link-ui/facade

const workbook = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook(); const sheet = workbook.getActiveSheet(); const range = sheet.getRange(0, 0, 1, 1); // Get the URL of a sheet const sheetUrl = sheet.getUrl(); // Get the URL of a range or cell const rangeUrl = range.getUrl(); // Parse the link, returning information including the link's name, url, and type const linkInfo = workbook.parseSheetHyperlink('#gid=sheet&range=A1'); console.log(linkInfo); // Jump to the link workbook.navigateToSheetHyperlink('#gid=sheet&range=A1');
const workbook = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook(); const sheet = workbook.getActiveSheet(); const range = sheet.getRange(0, 0, 1, 1); // Add a link const url = sheet.getUrl(); const label = '123'; // Create a rich text value with link const richText = univerAPI.newRichText().insertLink(label, url); await range.setRichTextValueForCell(richText); // Query the hyperlinks in the current cell const value = range.getValue(true); const links = value.getLinks(); console.log(links); // Update a hyperlink const linkId = links[0].id; const newLabel = '456'; const newRichText = value.copy().updateLink(linkId, url, newLabel); await range.setRichTextValueForCell(newRichText); // Remove a hyperlink const updatedValue = range.getValue(true); const updatedRichText = updatedValue.copy().cancelLink(linkId); await range.setRichTextValueForCell(updatedRichText);

Event Listening

You can listen to hyperlink-related events using univerAPI.addEvent():

  • univerAPI.Event.BeforeSheetLinkAdd: Triggered before adding a link
// Listen for before link add event univerAPI.addEvent(univerAPI.Event.BeforeSheetLinkAdd, (event) => { const { workbook, worksheet, row, col, link } = event; console.log('About to add link:', { row, col, link }); // Return false to prevent link addition return true; });
  • univerAPI.Event.BeforeSheetLinkUpdate: Triggered before updating a link
// Listen for before link update event univerAPI.addEvent(univerAPI.Event.BeforeSheetLinkUpdate, (event) => { const { workbook, worksheet, row, column, id, payload } = event; console.log('About to update link:', { row, column, id, payload }); // Return false to prevent link update return true; });
  • univerAPI.Event.BeforeSheetLinkCancel: Triggered before canceling a link
// Listen for before link cancel event univerAPI.addEvent(univerAPI.Event.BeforeSheetLinkCancel, (event) => { const { workbook, worksheet, row, column, id } = event; console.log('About to cancel link:', { row, column, id }); // Return false to prevent link cancellation return true; });

Each event includes the following common parameters:

  • workbook: Current workbook instance
  • worksheet: Current worksheet instance
  • row: Row index of the cell containing the link
  • column: Column index of the cell containing the link

Special parameters:

  • BeforeSheetLinkAdd event includes link: The link to be added
  • BeforeSheetLinkUpdate event includes:
    • id: Link identifier
    • payload: New link data
  • BeforeSheetLinkCancel event includes id: Link identifier to be removed

All event callbacks can return false to prevent the corresponding operation.

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