Sheet Default Style 0.4.2+
We provide two levels of default styles: the default style of the worksheet and the default style of the column or row.
Both can be set through the IWorksheetData
interface or the Facade API.
By default, the column style takes precedence over the row style. You can change this behavior by setting isRowStylePrecedeColumnStyle
during registration.
univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsPlugin, {
isRowStylePrecedeColumnStyle: true,
Set Default Style
There are two ways to set the default style of a worksheet:
- Through the
interface IWorksheetData {
// other
* @property {Nullable<IStyleData>} [defaultStyle] - Default style data of Worksheet.
defaultStyle?: Nullable<IStyleData>;
interface IRowData {
// other
* style data
s?: Nullable<IStyleData>;
interface IColumnData {
// other
* style data
s?: Nullable<IStyleData>;
- Set through the Facade API
const fworkbook = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook()
const fworksheet = fworkbook.getActiveSheet()
const defaultStyle = {
bg: {
rgb: 'red'
const defaultColumnStyle = {
bg: {
rgb: 'blue'
// set default style
// set default column style
fworksheet.setColumnDefaultStyle(3, defaultColumnStyle)
// reset the column default style
fworksheet.setColumnDefaultStyle(3, undefined)
// set row default style
fworksheet.setRowDefaultStyle(1, defaultColumnStyle)
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