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GuidesUniver SheetsFeaturesSparklinePro

Sparkline 0.5.2+

Facade APIHas Paid PlanUniver ServerUniver on Node.jsPreset

A sparkline is a concise and intuitive small chart, typically embedded within table cells, used to quickly showcase data trends or key metrics.

This feature includes the following plugin packages:

Presets Installation

Please follow the instructions in Print.

Piecemeal Installation

npm install @univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline @univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline-ui
import { LocaleType, merge, Univer } from '@univerjs/core'; import { defaultTheme } from "@univerjs/design"; import { UniverSheetSparklinePlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline'; import { UniverSheetSparklineUIPlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline-ui'; import SheetsSparklineUIEnUS from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline-ui/locale/en-US'; import '@univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline/facade'; import '@univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline-ui/lib/index.css'; const univer = new Univer({ theme: defaultTheme, locale: LocaleType.EN_US, locales: { [LocaleType.EN_US]: merge( SheetsSparklineUIEnUS ), }, }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetSparklinePlugin); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetSparklineUIPlugin);

Univer on Node.js Piecemeal Installation

npm install @univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline
import { LocaleType, Univer } from '@univerjs/core'; import { defaultTheme } from "@univerjs/design"; import { UniverSheetSparklinePlugin } from '@univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline'; import '@univerjs-pro/sheets-sparkline/facade'; const univer = new Univer({ theme: defaultTheme, locale: LocaleType.EN_US, }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetSparklinePlugin);

Facade API

To get full defination of facade api, please refer to FacadeAPI

Add Sparkline

The FWorksheet.addSparkline method is used to add sparklines in a specified range.

const fSheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); fSheet.addSparkline( [{ startRow: 0, endRow: 1, startColumn: 0, endColumn: 0 }], [{ startRow: 2, endRow: 2, startColumn: 0, endColumn: 0 }] );

Compose & Uncompose Sparkline

The FWorksheet.composeSparkline and FWorksheet.unComposeSparkline methods are used to compose and uncompose sparklines.

const fSheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); fSheet.composeSparkline([{ startRow: 0, endRow: 10, startColumn: 0, endColumn: 10 }]); fSheet.unComposeSparkline([{ startRow: 0, endRow: 10, startColumn: 0, endColumn: 10 }]);

Get Sparkline & Sparkline Group Instances

The FWorksheet.getSparklineByCell method is used to get the sparkline instance in a specified cell.
The FWorksheet.getSparklineGroupByCell method is used to get the sparkline group instance in a specified cell.

const fSheet = univerAPI.getActiveWorkbook().getActiveSheet(); const sparkline = fSheet.getSparklineByCell(2, 0); const sparklineGroup = fSheet.getSparklineGroupByCell(2, 0);

Both sparkline and sparkline group instances include a set of methods for managing and manipulating sparklines and sparkline groups.


changeDataSourceModify the data source and placement of the sparkline in the current cell.
removeSparklineRemove the sparkline in the current cell.


changeDataSourceModify the data source and placement of the sparkline group in the current cell.
removeSparklineGroupRemove the sparkline group containing the sparkline in the current cell.
setConfigChange the configuration of the sparkline group in the current cell.

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