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BlogUniver Weekly #2

Univer Weekly #2

Welcome to the second issue of Univer Weekly! In this series, we will bring you the latest news of Univer every week, sharing the progress, highlights, and updates of the project. We hope that through these contents, you can better understand, use, and actively participate in the development and growth of Univer!

Introducing Univer Go

We are excited to announce the release of Univer Go , a new desktop application that enables you to build your own spreadsheet and seamlessly integrate with AI agents, databases, and applications.

New Version of Univer SDK Released

We had released version 0.5.3 of the OSS and Pro SDK. In this version, we optimized make lots of Facade API chainable, making it easier to modify the spreadsheets. This introduced some breaking changes, so please refer to our changelog  to check how to adapt to this change. There are also tons of improvements to our Facade API. We also added a new feature that allows you to add range themes to the spreadsheet. Please note that this feature is only available through the Facade API for now.

For more details, please refer to our changelog.

React 19 Compatibility

We are still working on the compatibility of React 19.0.0. The last blocking issue is that a dependency we use is not compatible with React 19. We are working on a homebrew solution to replace this dependency. Hopefully, expect to complete this work next week. You can subscribe to our GitHub issue  to get the latest updates.

Collaboration Stability

We have started to optimize the collaboration stability of Univer. This week, we are make the process of saving snapshots and generating history records to work in an asynchronous way. This will greatly improve the bandwidth usage of the collaboration engine. Stay tuned for more updates in the next issue of Univer Weekly!

New Blog Post

We have launched a new blog, talking about how we came up with the idea of Facade API, and how we implemented, optimized, and finally made it the bone of Univer Go. Check it out here.

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